Hey everybody, it's Tara again! Boy, three posts in one week...am I taking over or what???
Actually I'm back today for a very sad occasion. Cats all around the blogosphere are posting their remembrances of a very special kitty who crossed the Rainbow Bridge recently. Skeezix was one of the very first cat bloggers, the original Flat Cat, and a divine Feline Fashionista who made it sexy for little boys to wear pink. Cat bloggers were asked to go pink for Skeezix today, but our blog is always pink...is there another color???
Mommy and I are actually quite sad that being new to cat blogging we barely knew Skeezix. We've been visiting a lot of the tribute blogs today and have to say that we've already fallen in love with him. (You have to check out Katie and Waffles tribute today showing what a pioneer Skeezix was in true western style...I hope that when each of us kitties is called to the Bridge that we are picked up in that pink covered wagon!)
So rest in peace, sweet Skeezix. Maybe you can teach all the kitties in kitty heaven how to blog so that they can stay in touch with their Mommies back here on Earth...wouldn't that be paw-some?

Click here to donate to his memorial fund: http://www.gofundme.com/3cv8gc
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