Look at that face...can you believe just a few short years ago this little angel was horribly abused and left at an animal shelter? Hobbes got the happy ending he deserved...today he's a local talk radio star, honorary K-9 cop and Fire Dog, and even got to throw out the first pitch at a Vermont Lake Monsters baseball game after being chosen by Vermonters to have a bobblehead doll made in his likeness. (I'm the proud owner of one!!!)
Last winter I was honored to get to meet Hobbes and his wonderful Mom and Dad, Bruce and Tami Zeman. I remember when I picked him up he was trembling in my arms. Tami told me he's still understandably wary of strangers. (I took so many pictures of the little guy he probably thought I was a stalker!!!)
Bruce and Tami have now written Hobbes' story in a children's book, Hobbes Goes Home. They intend to take the book to every school in Vermont, and pledge $1.00 from the sale of EVERY book to the Homeward Bound Animal Welfare Center in Middlebury, Vermont. They are currently in the processing of raising money to have the book published.
If you want to read more about Hobbes and his story, check out this feature that was done on him in a local newspaper. If you're interested in making a donation to help get this book with it's important message out into the world, visit Hobbes' Kickstarter page. You'll even get to see a video starring the precious wiener dog himself!
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