Aren’t service dogs as good an indication of social evolution as symphonies, libraries, and hospitals? Aren’t we just as joyful watching a dog lick a child’s face, round up sheep, or walk alongside a wheelchair as when hearing a concert pianist? Sure we are. Service dogs are proof we’re civilized. We’re as evolved as wolves, whales and elephants, with the inclination to take care of each other. We even pass laws so that those needing assistance can take dogs into stores & offices.
My friend Hazel has a service dog. She has the best husband in the world, Sam; the best old service dog, Hams; and now she’s receiving a new service dog, Virgil. Hams is about to take arthritic retirement, which after working with Hazel for eight years is about the same as retiring from 56 years at a factory. Hazel eased Hams toward retirement with Omega 3 fatty acids, joint supplements, stem cell therapy, acupuncture, and hydrotherapy, so that as his arthritis is controlled, but it’s time for his old bones to spend the day on the sofa and let athletic young Virgil to take over.
Getting a new service dog like Virgil is not as simple as picking up a new pup at the Humane Society. Hazel has waited for two years for her pup to be conceived, trained, and educated at Bergin University in Santa Rosa. There’s a celebration on May 1st at BerginU as Virgil and Hazel, along with several others, acknowledge new lifetime relationships. Bring Kleenex and a camera; this celebration is just like a wedding considering the promises the dog and human make to take care of each other and to work together in harmony. Virgil will never replace Hazel’s husband, Sam, or her first service dog, Hams, but Vergil will soon be her constant work companion, and will sleep in her room.
It you’d like to take part in the celebration, check out BerginU on the web and show up at Finley Community Center 2060 W College Ave in Santa Rosa, CA. The celebration is from 3:00-4:30 on Saturday, May 1.
This is one of the most emotional, civilized events you’ll ever witness.
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