Nothing is more heartbreaking than a paralyzed pet, but don’t give up hope: acupuncture can help restore nerve and muscle function. In a previous blog, we told Sadie’s story. Sadie went from complete paralysis, including inability to move her legs and inability to urinate or defecate, to running in the woods in 10 weeks. Many pets, just like Sadie, can recover from apparently hopeless paralysis.
What we did for Sadie
Acupuncture that helped Sadie included dry needles, electro-acupuncture and homeopathic injections at acupuncture points. We started with more than 20 acupuncture points and used fewer and fewer points as the treatments progressed. We chose which points to use based on Sadie’s symptoms.
We started with needles in the webs between her toes, on the outside of her front paws and her back paws, and along her back. After inserting all the needles, I ran an alternating current between points above and below the spinal injury. For Sadie, I also injected homeopathic solutions from BHI-Heel into the four points that benefit the whole spine: SI 3 and BL 62. This medication lingered at the points, continuing to send its healing message along the meridians, rather like holding a finger on an elevator button continues to ask the elevator to come to your floor.
I’ll describe how to find SI 3 and BL 62 so that if your pet has a spinal problem, you can massage these points to bring energy to the spine. Massage at these points will also help pets with disc disease.
SI 3
SI 3 is the third point on the Small Intestine meridian. Usually, it’s easier to find SI 3 on yourself, then look for it on your pet. Feel alongside the edge of your hand away from your thumb just as the hand bones join the littlest finger. The hand bone is a metacarpal (MC), and the metacarpal on the outside is MC 5. As MC 5 forms a joint with the bones in the little finger, it widens. The dip just before MC 5 widens is where SI 3 is located. Most people have one or more tiny wrinkles here.
To find SI 3 on your dog, wiggle the toes (digits) of its front feet. A dog’s digits are shorter than our fingers are, but it’s easy to see where the digits flex as they form a joint with the metacarpals. Feel along the outside (lateral) of MC 5 for the dip just before MC 5 widens. This is in the right point to stimulate energy that helps the spine, especially the neck. Stimulate this point on both right & left front paws.
BL 62
BL 62 is the 62 of 67 points along the bladder meridian. The bladder meridian starts at the inner corner of the eye and runs along the spine all the way to the little toe. BL 1 is at the eye, and BL 67 at the outside of the nail on your smallest toe. BL 62 is the point along this meridian where you can feel the dip on the outside of your ankle bone. It’s easy to find if you grab your Achilles tendon. The ankle bone (lateral malleolus) is just in front of the web of skin in front of the Achilles tendon. Find the most prominent part of the ankle bone and slide down on the bone into a tiny dip. That’s BL 62. Massage here to help pull energy all along the spine.
Massage both SI 3 and BL 62 to benefit your pet’s entire spine.
What’s coming?
In the next few Caring for Pet blog, we’re going to cover the homeopathic meds that can help paralyzed dogs, focusing on those we used for Sadie. Never lose heart if your pet is paralyzed. Use homeopathy, acupuncture and holistic medicine. And pray: “May the best that can happen, happen. Amen.”
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