Fleas are still causing problems in pets, even after Obama is elected, even after there’s snow on the ground in some states, and even though there’s been a good rain in California. Pets with itching caused by fleas often attack their skin with “corncob chewing” motions. The area over the tailhead, back and belly are most often affected.
In a previous blog, we covered a dozen flea facts, and here are more.
How do fleas suck blood?
Fleas drink blood using two mouth parts. One part squirts saliva and partially digested blood into the host, and the other sucks blood from the host. This is how fleas transmit pathogens, like tapeworms, to your pet.
Can fleas suck enough blood to kill pets?
Yes. Fleas have taken enough blood to kill kittens, puppies, calves, lambs and goats.
How fast to fleas feed?
About 60% of fleas will feed within 5 minutes of jumping onto your pet, and almost 100% of fleas are engorged with blood within 1 hour of being on your pet.
How fast to fleas lay eggs?
The female lays eggs 24-36 hours after her first blood meal. Fleas lay up to 50 eggs a day, which is equal to their body weight. They can lay this many eggs because they suck up 15 times their body weight in blood daily. This blood lust can continue for 3 months.
How fast to flea eggs hatch?
If the temperature is 95 F and there is 70% humidity, half of all flea eggs hatch within 36 hours. If it is only 55 F, half of all flea eggs will hatch within 6 days.
How long can newly hatched fleas can live before they attach on a pet?
In a humid environment, over 60% of newly hatched fleas can live without a host for 2 months. In a cool, dry environment, only 10% will live without an immediate host. Humidity is the key to flea survival.
How quickly can a flea go through its entire life cycle: egg, larva, pupa, and adult?
The entire flea life cycle can take place in less than 3 weeks.
How long does it take a flea to develop into a million fleas?
6 weeks. In 3 weeks, a flea can pass through its entire life cycle and can lay 1000 eggs. In another 3 weeks, those eggs can hatch and lay 1,000 eggs each, so within 6 weeks, it is possible to have a million new fleas.
How do fleas survive the freezing winters?
Fleas, eggs, larvae or pupae die if the temperature falls to 37F for 10 days. Still, fleas survive up north where it’s much colder than 37 F. Why? These fleas survive on stray domestic animals and wild mammals—raccoons and opossums and in
· barns
· heated garages
· kennel bedding
· carpets
· pick-ups carrying hay bales for traction
More flea FAQ to come.
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