According to longevity statistics, the average male Golden lives 11 years, so Lance should have been dead three years ago. And, Lance should have died months ago following surgery for abscessed cancerous mass in the liver (hemangiosarcoma). Even with successful surgical removal, the average life expectancy after surgery is only 19-61 days. So, it’s easy to see why Lance’s birthday this month is worth celebrating. Happy 14th Birthday Lance!
Lance survives because his family loves him dearly, providing him with optimal nutrition, herbs, acupuncture, and supplements. Lance is fed wheat grass, probiotics, Omega 3 fatty acids, home-cooked meat, vegetables, and fruit. Lance receives Yunnan Pai Yao to prevent internal bleeding. He receives Liu Jun Zi Tang (Six Gentle Pets) for weakness and cancer. He has also received Xiao Chai Hu Jia Qin Jiao Tang (Benefit Hips & Knees) and Xiao Chai Hu Tang (Minor Bupleurum) for his liver and joints.
In addition to helping Lance survive cancer, his family ensures he is free of arthritis pain. Like most large dogs, Lance suffers from hip and knee arthritis. To prevent this arthritis from becoming crippling, his family injects him with Adequan and provides oral joint medication (Joint Optimizer). In addition, Lance receives regular acupuncture treatments.
As important as acupuncture, medications, food, and herbs are, they only support the life energy that Lance has. What keeps that life energy flowing is the love and support Lance receives from his family. Bernadette and Bruce have kept Lance happy to be alive during the tough times with hypothyroidism; hot, inflamed joints; abscess liver tumor; and bloody diarrhea. Their love is what truly makes the difference.
Congratulations Lance, and thank you Bruce and Bernadette. Your love for Goldens makes the world a better place.